

The Bankside Yards masterplan, on the south bank of the River Thames, is a development at the forefront of blending modern design with limiting the building’s impact on its surrounding environment.


Designed with sustainability as central guiding principle, the all-electric Arbor building is powered by renewable energy and has been carbon net zero in operation from day one. The combined sustainability features of the building mean that Arbor uses

30% less energy than the current best practice standards. Arbor is the first of eight new buildings in the development, offering 223,000 square feet of flexible workspace over 19 levels.

Ascot implemented the the full internal and external signage scheme, from external lettering inset within the steel structure to bespoke bronze interior wayfinding and room identification. The signage finishes pair perfectly with the building interior, ensuring a subtle and cohesive end user experience.


33 Charterhouse


Luton DART